
Comcast Resets Passwords For 200,000 Email Customers After Possible Account Leak

(Mike Mozart)

Comcast email customers became the latest victims of a potential hack attack this weekend, as the company confirmed it reset passwords for nearly 200,000 users after their email addresses and passwords were posted for sale on a hacker marketplace.

As first reported by CSO, the list of emails and corresponding passwords made up roughly 590,000 accounts. However, Comcast determined that nearly 60% of that information was for inactive accounts, leaving just 200,000 compromised customers.

The company says it has forced a reset for those accounts and that customers would be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

A rep for Comcast says the company’s security teams are certain that none of its systems or apps had been compromised.

According to CSO, the list of information was posted on Dark Web Saturday, and was purchased for $1,000.

CSO theorizes that the information on the list was likely recycled, either from previous breaches or via Phishing scams.

Comcast resets nearly 200,000 passwords after customer list goes on sale [CSO]
[via The Verge]

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