
Bloomingdale’s Apologizes For Ad Suggesting You Should Secretly Get Your Friend Drunk

You know what’s kind of funny and cute? In the movies when two best friends are standing near a punch bowl at a lame party and they’re like, haha, let’s put some whiskey in our punch glasses to liven this thing up. You know what some people find not so adorable? A retailer suggesting you get your friend drunk without them knowing it by spiking the egg nog, possibly so you can take advantage of said friend. Cue an apology from Bloomgindale’s.

A holiday ad posted to Imgur yesterday and spotted by Tech Insider appears to encourage a well-dressed young man to spike the drink of a well-dressed young lady looking away from him, with the caption: “Spike your best friend’s egg nog when they’re not looking.”

Wait… she’s not looking at him — does that mean he’s thinking of slipping something into her non-alcoholic drink? Here’s the full ad:

Sure, maybe the woman isn’t the guy’s best friend, and it’s someone else not in the picture. Or maybe she’s going to spike HIS egg nog. Either way, over-serving anyone to get them into your arms and possibly your bed is not a good message.

Bloomingdale’s agreed, issuing an apology for the ad:

“In reflection of recent feedback, the copy we used in our recent catalog was inappropriate and in poor taste. Bloomingdales’ sincerely apologizes for this error in judgment,” a representative told Tech Insider.

Bloomingdale’s apologizes for approving this ‘inappropriate’ ad in its new holiday catalog [Tech Insider]

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