
Customer Sues L.A. Fitness, Says Pervy Trainers Gave Her ‘Suggestive’ Exercises

(CBS 11)

(CBS 11)

No one expects their workout with a personal trainer to be comfortable, but they also don’t expect to be sexually harassed, either. A Dallas woman is suing her local branch of L.A. Fitness, claiming that two different trainers at the gym made lewd comments to her and gave her what she considers “suggestive” exercises to do in front of them. Now she’s suing for Deceptive Trade Practices and Negligence, claiming that she kept up her end of the gym contract (paid her bills, didn’t break any rules) but that L.A. Fitness didn’t provide a safe workout environment.

When she switched trainers due to what she called “strange exercises,” and comments about her chest, the new trainer provided her with more of the same, as well as lewd texts. When she complained to gym management, they offered her $400––two months’ fees––but she wasn’t interested. “I would like to have these guys realize they can’t treat women this way,” she told the local CBS affiliate.

“Sexually Suggestive” Exercises Center of LA Fitness Lawsuit [CBS DFW]

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