
Trader Joe’s Fans Ask Store To Stop Selling Drugged-Up Meat

Trader Joe’s has a lot of fans who evangelize on behalf of the food and service at the grocery store chain, but some of those same superfans are asking their favorite food fix to please stop selling meat full of antibiotics.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, our cohorts at Consumers Union have created a card that Trader Joe’s shoppers can fill in to both let the store know how much they enjoy the food there, and also how it would be really awesome if TJ ditched the drugged-up meat offerings.

If you want to send a message to Trader Joe’s, go HERE to print out your own Valentine’s card, take a photo of yourself holding the card up and e-mail the image to photo@consumersunion.org .

Here are some people that have already sent their messages to Trader Joe’s:






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