
A Carnival Triumph Passenger Has Filed A Lawsuit Already: Also, An Apology

Triumph's best cruise formalwear

Triumph’s best cruise formalwear

We would like to take a moment to apologize to you, our audience. A reader has brought to our attention that in our coverage of the Carnival Triumph disaster, have repeatedly used the words “triumph” and “poop” in close proximity to each other without once making a reference to Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog.

One of his best-known insults, of course, is saying “…for me to poop on!” after complimenting something. There were no dogs on board the Triumph, but there were a lot of red biohazard bags for people to poop in after the sewage system failed. We know that you hold all of our staff to only the most mediocre of comedic standards, and we sometimes sort of work to uphold them. We hope that you will accept our sincere apologies. For Triumph to poop on.

Here, in case you’re not familiar with the character, is a video that’s sort of on topic for this site: Triumph visiting Occupy Wall Street.

Oh. Actual cruise ship news. Yes, a passenger from Texas has filed suit in federal court in Miami. (Carnival is based in Florida.) According to the complaint, they’re suing for “physical and emotional harm, including anxiety, nervousness and the loss of the enjoyment of life.”

As we discussed earlier today, this suit is probably not going to succeed.

Passenger from stricken cruise sues over ‘horrifying’ conditions [Reuters]

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